Hey! Good to blog again. So I'm back in school and back to my usual schedgual (sorry if I spelled it wrong). My usual schedual on mondays is school (sadly), then when I get home I'll practice my violin, call my friends to see if they can hangout (which they usually can't), cook ramen (with vegtables), check Julys blog (and now that I have one blog), eat while watching TV, play video games, eat dinner, then go to drama. After drama I'll watch a mentalist, white collar, psych or a 5-0, -which ever one we have new episodes of- while doing homework. then I go to sleep. So, tonight I have drama (at 6:30, with my church), and I may or may not get a part in the skit. If we have enough people we do the same skit different people for the high school and the middle school. We usually add characters to the skit to longate them, or make less lines for one person to memorize by making two characters. I'll tell you tomarrow if I get a part, if so what part, and I'll post the script here. Deal?
The drama queen
Raven DeWitt