quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Monday, November 11, 2013

Doctor vampire that I always see

Hėłłõ. Whåžźüp? Okay, I had to do those letters. They're awesome! So, yesterday I started a rant about the rug of fate, which proves I watch waaaayyyyyyy to much brave. Anyways, that led to the people you see everywhere. There are two of those at the monument; Cameron, the guy I saw at the fuel beach party. And at fuel. And at the library. Like seriously, everywhere! And it was only a month after I thought I'd never see him again. Screw you too universe. It was too much to hope for. And then there's my school crush, Jordan. Other than having him in three of my classes, I see him in the library during fifth hour and stuff and seriously, I run into a bunch of people randomly and it's so annoying! Can I not see people freaking everywhere? And, other than that, I have today and tomorrow off and tomorrow I'm going to the mall then watching Thor! Well, Thor two: the dark world. With a villain, guess who? Loki! Hard to believe, right? He's like, never the villain! I like him and he's a cool villain, but way overused. And didn't he die? Then get captured? What the heck! How can he still be the villian? If he isn't I'll tell you, but he is on all the commercials and billboards and movie posters. Safe bet he's in the movie. And he's always a villian. Always. Every single time. And it's my day off, but it's also snowing! Yay! Happy dance time! Might not snow this year my butt! Yay. And let's see, there was something else.... Oh, yeah! I was watching My babysitters a vampire (another little kid show with some unlittle kid material) and there was this Halloween episode and some kid dressed up as a "doctor when". Wow, that does sound like any nerdy tv show I love. But they didn't have a tardis, they just time travel. Doesn't sound at all like my nerdy show. Hahahahaha.
Companion vampire in the snow
Raven DeWitt

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