quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Future questions game

I'm doing this from my friend Hilda's blog, but the one on her blog got deleted. Maybe because I'm doing it a few days after, but whatever. So, anyways, in other news, first day back at school. Dang. I really need to freeze the door shut on his house tomorrow. Oh, well, I guess I got a sufficient break. By my count 19 days or something.

"Future Questions" Tag

1) Do You want to get married or stay single?
Get married, but far in the future, cause I'm still in high school. I'm even in my first year of high school, and it haven't even had a boyfriend yet, so I want to get married, but in the distant future. Not the not too distant future.

2) How many kids would you like?
An even number, so 2, 4 or 6. Really any even number but after going girly weeks out of every month, I don't think being pregnant and giving birth is going to be the funnest year of my life. But I do want kids. And this would be AFTER I'm married, with the person I'm married to, being one of he few girls in the world who still have morals, thank you very much.

3) What boy names do you like?
Rafael, August, Phoenix, Daniel, Nick, Chris, Tony, Thor (just wait), Loki (yes, I did it), Alex, Adam, Jack, Apollo, Ares, Neptune, Pluto, Kendal, Logan, Ciel, Alucard, Orlando, Austin, Red, Sparrow, Shawn, Tyler,

4) What girl names do you like?
Griffin, Blue, Eris, July, Autumn, Raven, April, May, Jamie, Aluxia, Angel, Emma, Anna, Belle, Ruby, Esmeralda, Emerald, diamond, Sapphire, Saphira, Ariel, Jasmine, Jessie, Alice, Ace, Scarlet, Indigo, Aqua, Joy, Happy, Precious, Hilda, Finley, April, August, Jackie, Juliet, Destiny, Artemis, bobby, bobby joe, Mayrene,

5) What career or job would you like to have?
Author and video Game designer/tester/voice artist, or author and manga/anime artist/voice artist. If none of those, scientist and author (at least online sites...... Like quotev, cause I'll still use that in ten years)

6) Would you like to move out of your house?
Yes, but in a few years, when I'm out of high school, for collage, and then when I'm looking for a job and stuff

7) Would you like to have roommates or live alone, or with a pet?
Roommates or pet or both

8) Would you like to live outside the country or a particular state?
New York, Japan, Hawaii, Washington (more specifically Seattle), or I want a job where I travel

9) Would you like grandchildren?

10) Would you like to own a car?
Yeah, but judging on Mario cart and grand theft auto, you do not want me driving

11) Say you have a job and good pay, would you go on a shopping spree?
Only if I have enough money and enough anime/manga/videogame/book stores and by slashes I mean and. They are required.

12) If you were in a car accident, who would you call?
Mom, brother and best friends

13) You are 70 years old. Would you live at home or a nursing home?
At home if I'm not almost dead enough too. Nursing homes aren't too bad, but if rather have my own house

14) If you are in your old age and your kids or family have their own life, what would you do?
Have my family over every Saturday, like my grandpa did

15) What if you are old and a young person was disgusted by you because of your age?
.............start beating then with my cane. Cause that always helps

16) Would you respect the elderly? Would you love them?
I respect you if you respect me, and I love you if you love me. So, basically it depends on the person, but I'm not going to change my views because of your age

17) Would you like to be young again? Like how old?
If I could relive a year of my life, it would be 12 or 13, if I could be one age forever, it would be 13, 16 or 18, even though I haven't been 16 or 18 yet, but I mean, they're all the ages of freedom

18) Would you go to college?
Yes. For any of my jobs it would help if not required

19) Do you want to be famous?

20) Would you travel a lot?
YES. That's my dream.

So, future me you better turn out like that
Or else
Raven DeWitt


  1. LOL, i totally get you with GTA. So fun! So happy you liked the tag. i thought no one liked it. It was so much fun reading your answers. Now lets go play GTA and run over a couple of things. :P

    1. And through a couple of building being the responsible person I am :p


We'll I'm not gonna shove my opinion in your face without letting you fight back. I am human and prone to lots of error, so you should tell me!