quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Monday, September 22, 2014

homecoming friends

'ello mate! It's Monday again. Mondays just so.... Monday-y. URRGGGHHH MONDAYS. I'm super tired. In a Monday-y way. Of course, I'm also happy (I'm feeling glad, I got sunshine in a bag, I'm useless... but not for long, the future is comin' on, it's comin on, it's comin on....... ->Gorillas, feel good inc... I think) My brother's new-ish friend has been coming over, which is really weird cause he's in my grade and goes to my school... Of course, I don't know him, but usually we're lucky if I could even remember my own name. Or my own... Anything. At the interns going away party at church a couple weeks ago, I totally forgot my grade and it was really funny. Normally I would say embarrassing, but it wasn't, it was just funny. In my opinion. I'm sure everyone there thinks I'm an idiot (but, oh, probably no more than usual ;-)    Anyways, yesterday he had yet another friend, from my school, in my grade. Aka-awkward! Anyways, I noticed him at school. It's weird, and it's like... People. Who go to my school! Ugh.
OH! The Saturday that just happened? Yeah, it was homecoming at my school.  I am so anti-school and anti-people and anti-dancing, there is no way in anything that I would pay to go to a school dance. Anyways, I really wasn't going, and yesterday at church they were talking about it and they asked if anyone went or was planning on going and then they asked if anyone wasn't going and I am proud to say I raised my hand first. I am even prouder to say, most of the other people at church raised their hand too.
Not to even mention my friends experience at homecoming. If I already wasn't going, I definitely am not now. A guy may or may not have gotten sick and/or had a mental break down because my friend asked him to dance. But don't tell anyone I told you, and my friend isn't that bad, so... don't be rude.
Homecoming queen
Oh, gosh, NO!



  1. What if he is coming over just to see you? ;P maybe a crush?

    1. Yeah, while humanly possibly it's doubtful. I doubt he knew I existed before then (and vis-versa). But he is kinda cute........ ;p


We'll I'm not gonna shove my opinion in your face without letting you fight back. I am human and prone to lots of error, so you should tell me!