quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Monday, August 5, 2013

Movie madness Monday

Good 'ay mates.
I'm watching 2012, whci I find funnily stupid. It's almost hilarious how stupid it is. Although I might have nightmares until 12-21-12 when the world ends. So scary and sssseeeee intense. After this I'm going to watch Race To Witch Moutain, and then as much psych and Supernatural I can cram into one day. Todays going to be a good day. It's also going to be a young shawn filled day, seeing as he plays in Psych and 2012. He's awesome. Mostly cause he plays a younger version of imature, funny psychic Shawn Spenstar, or Shawn Spencer. He also plays in The (not so) Amazing Spiderman! Well, one of the young shawns does, although I think it's the newer young Shawn. This one is the older young shawn. Or the other way around. No, the way I said it first. Technically second... Oh, I don't know, look it up on IMDb. Okay, so that's my day, but in two days, guess what's coming out? If you've ever read my blog you should know it's PERCY JACKSON AND THE SEA OF MONSTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay. I reread the book, but after seaing (haha, sea what I did there? And there?) a few scences from the movie I realized that it won't be like the movie. At least a bit, not a lot. But it will be a bit, but different and... Yeah. So, after I finished rereading the second book I started on the third one. The hunters of artemus are in this one. I like them. One thing I don't like is that being a hunter of Artemis means you have to give up boys forever. I mean, that would be hard for me. Boys are... well, boys. Stupid, funny, cute boys. I wouldn't like that. But what irritates me is that Zoe Nightshade thinks that giving up boys means you must hate them. The oath says you can never fall in love with them. It doesn't say that you must hate them with all your heart and be a complete and total jerk to them. I mean, I guess it's not surprising, given her past.... Oops ;-p
Hunter of Artemis
Raven DeWitt

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