quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Okay, so there was this one thing on Instagram. It was a picture of Rick Riodan (the writer of Percy Jackson and heroes of Olympus) on twitter, and the tweet said "spoiler alert for HoH: a member of percabeth does. #sorrynotsorry". Okay, at first I thought it has to be fake. Why would a writer kill off the main character or his girlfriend? I mean, that's just stupid. Then I thought well, he might, cause every good story kills off some lovable characters. Harry potter, hunger games he even killed off some people in Percy Jackson. Not many of them were mains and none were ones that were as loved as percabeth. I mean, sure I loved Charles beckendorf and Zoe nightshade, even Bianca Di Angelo but none of them were as important as the seven. As loved and perfect and amazing as the seven. Although I did love all the people who died and was sad, if they killed half of percabeth there would be a lot of teenagers who would go on a killing spree and have to send the ret of us to mental asylums. We would go psycho. Thankfully they verified it was fake. BUT WHAT KIND OF PSYCHOTIC NUTJOB WOULD DO THAT?!?!?!?!?! SERIOUSLY ALL THE DEMIGODS WILL FIND AND KILL THEM AND THEY SHOULD RUN FOR THEIR MISERABLE LIFE OR WHAT'S GOING TO BE LEFT OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I'll be leading the attack
Raven DeWitt

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