quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Thursday, May 29, 2014

You look nice (and so do I)

Ya know when guys get all flustered/awkward/embarrassed and kinda start stuttering and getting heir words mixed up and it's just the cutest thing ever? Yeah, well, a variation of that happened to me today. Now, don't get me wrong, the guy who did this today is really nice and hot, but, I mean, I don't have a crush on him. Like, ya know, the guy who you don't have a crush on but would say yes if he asked you out type. Well, so, he's like smooth and social and stuff and nice and hangs out with/talks to a lot of girls. He's the last person I would ever expect to do this. So, anyways, I was in orchestra and I'm wearing my hair in a high ponytail (like June! From Legend!) and wearing a nice shirt (although, any things nice compared to my usual tshirts). I was sitting there, on my iPad when he came up and was like "you look nice today." Then. Few seconds later "not that you didn't not look ugly yesterday". He was trying to say "not that you looked ugly yesterday" (cause that whole thing.... Una momenta) and got like, mixed up and stuff. It was so cute! AND NO, he sooooooooooooo doesn't like me, cause my friend said I look nice today too. I guess I do. Oh, and he's in my class after orchestra, and he was watching our Romeo and Juliet re-telling (marvel vs. D.C.) and he asked me who I was and I said she-hulk and he said cool, so that just makes me feel even more epic being MY FAVORITE SUPERHERO. Cause, I mean, she's the she-hulk.
Okay, so that whole part of the post was me and my girly-ness, and boy craziness I guess, but the whole "you look nice today"/"did I look ugly yesterday" thing is sooooo annoying. It's like, dude, someone just gave you a compliment, don't be rude. If I said someone looked good and they asked if they looked ugly yesterday I would say "no, but you still haven't done anything to fix your personality". Because, dude, who gets complimented and then just turns and says some snarky comment? Ya know the whole "don't bite the hand that feeds ya" thing? This is the same exact thing, except emotionally damaging rather than physically. Ya bite the hand that feeds ya, you'll starve. You're mean to the person that compliments ya and you'll run out of friends. Just sayin.
Like, whoever came up with that?
Looking good ;p

INVERTED PYRAMID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. AWWWW! Adorable ;) And you're right, it's so annoying when people respond like that... Ug.

    1. I know! People be grateful. And what's adorable?

    2. I'll tell you next time we hangout (or, rather, I'll show you him in the yearbook)


We'll I'm not gonna shove my opinion in your face without letting you fight back. I am human and prone to lots of error, so you should tell me!