quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Monday, June 16, 2014

Friday the 13th on the day before Tuesday the 17th

Hey! So, I am FINALLY doing my How To Train Your Dragon 2 review. But first, a few words from our sponsors... Or other notable moments  from that day. I had a dream... About a guy I haven't spoken to for over a year... I mean, I liked him, but it's been a year! Ugh!!!
I also had a flash of creative genius and did a slight anime style cut to my jeans...
Okay, so I didn't cut them NEARLY that short, but I did cut off one side of my jeans, cause I had holes in the knees and I really liked this style when I was it in an anime. I really really liked em. So, I wore em to HTTYD2, and when I walked into the theater, these two girls gave me a super dirty look. Hello, I was basically Kisara (Kenichi) and Bulma (DB) all mixed into one! So, I was a genius tough fighter girl. Hello, what's better? That's right nothing. So, anyways, we come out of the theater and are waiting for my dad to pick us up and THOSE TWO GIRLS ARE STILL THERE. There's a sign that says staying there for over 20 minutes is loitering and not permitted. Either they went to a shorter movie, were the last in and first out OR they were waiting a lllloooooonnnnnnnngggggggggg time for a ride. Like, WOW. But, anyways, my new fashion statement. Anyone wanna join me or join the girls making dirty faces at me? Feel free.
Okay, now that was one HECK of a long opener, but it was kinda important. Now, HTTYD2 review: I loved it. I loved the first one and I love the second one and I love Hiccup and I love Astrid and I love love love love Toothless. So, of course I was excited for this one, but it gets a "exceed expectations", "amazing" "great" and everything else that belongs with movies this good. Plus, it was a nice break from all the teen romances (divergent, HG, TFIOS) and, dare I say, superhero movies. I love superhero movies, but in the past few months three have come out! They need to stop or else they'll run out of the nice little sequels and mash-ups and everything else. So, while I love superheroes and have been seeing teen romances, I needed this break and got to see a animated feature which was great. The storyline was great, although the villain didn't die at the end, so I'm a bit wary of that... Then there's the characters. They of course keep the old ones that I LOVE, although there is some stuff that wasn't exactly sure about when said IN A KIDS MOVIE that everyone is way over thinking.... but that's later. Then there's of course new characters, which are pretty good. I mean, can't blame Ruffnut for the crush on the dragon rangler. Hey, he's pretty fly (For a cartoon guy..... ;p). Then there's also the dragons. I LOVE dragons, and so I loved the first movie. But, as epic as that was, there are tons of new dragons which should've been included sooner. I love the new guys! Dragon wise. And people wise. Of course, as much as I loved it, it seemed a bit dark for kids. I mean, it was kinda dark, and it's supposed to be a kids movie (half the people in the theater were our age though...). Then there were the good themes in the movie; family and leadership. I think that the themes were good and it was a well done movie. Now for the part that's a bigger deal than it should be....
Gobber, at one point in the movie says "That's why I never got married. That and one other reason" he never elaborated and I was trying to figure out what that reason was. In something online everyone in the movie said it was ad-libbed and everyone was saying "Gobbers coming out of the closet" which is retarded cause A) IT'S A FREAKIN KIDS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B) It could mean a thousand other reasons. He loved someone who never got married, she didn't like him back, whatever. Point being it doesn't necessarily mean that, and SERIOUSLY?!?!?! Kids movie!!! I mean, UGH, Effin people, effin Hollywood.
Other than that one line, the movie was practically perfect. I loved it, and it is highly suggested.
haha, NO!

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