quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday the 13th!!!!!

Ohayo Gozimasu (おはよ ごじます). So, I woke up today to a freaky, silent, empty house. It's calming, in the most terrible way possible. No annoying teenage guys to fight with then have a sob fest and say y'all love each other until they beat me or I beat them in a video game and we're back to gonna murder each other. *DISCLAIMER: the sob fest is basically just not throwing stuff at each other for 'bout five minutes* So, silent, empty, terrible. Silent and empty go with the point above, making the terrible. So, that happened, and the sky is dark, not the dark dark that I love or bright enough to make it happy and completely.... not scary? Well, it's a combination that just makes it seem creepy and the house is all to quiet adding onto the creepiness, and I was a bit put off, when I realized, TODAY IS FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH. Bring on the freaky! So, usually Friday the 13th is a bad thing, but 22 Jump Street and How To Train You Dragon 2  come out today, and they both look great and I'm excited, but alas, I have no one to go with. Anyone wanna come with me?
Raven DeWitt

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