quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Friday, July 25, 2014

Critter Barn

Hey. Yesterday I went to the critter barn with July. We used to work there when we were younger. It was a lot funner then because we could go into the pens (even if you didn't work there) and pick up animals. But, now they're a bit stricter. Thankfully it was still fun. Sadly we couldn't go into any pens except the cats, but you could pet the animals. When me and July worked there we got stuck in the chicken coop because the latch was somehow broken. We figured at least three times between the two of us (although probably more), technically 2 times each 'cause once we got stuck together in there during the donkey wedding. I also got stuck in there once with a girl who was afraid of chickens. Yeah, bad experiences. She was nice, but also stuck in a room full of chickens. Yesterday we couldn't go in the chicken pen... Which also meant I couldn't get stuck in it. Which is good. We went into the cat pen and found a cat that acted like a dog but then it attacked other cats trying to play with us, so we thought it had attachment issues and decided to run. We also got buckets of hay to feed the donkeys and dropped it into the donkey pen. TWICE. That's how clutsy we are! It was pretty fun.
Animal lover


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