quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Dystopian vs Futuristic

Okay, so I looked for the definition to dystopian and it said: "'Utopian' describes a society that's conceived to be perfect. Dystopian is the exact opposite — it describes an imaginary society that is as dehumanizing and as unpleasant as possible." So, my thought is why is every futuristic novel dystopian? Can't it just be plain old futuristic? And why is Legend considered dystopian? Okay, so the trials are bad, evil, sadistic. But other than that, the Legend universe is pretty much a regular government. Riots, poor people, government corruption... That happens in almost every society, time, government... And that makes me question something else. This has nothing to do with previously written books. Okay, so if I write a futuristic novel where the world was kinda destroyed and gone to heck but then a government comes out and helps the universe and it's not dehumanizing or unpleasant, if it's just a regular government would people still consider it dystopian and be annoyed at yet another dystopian book or could it be good? And are there any other futuristic books that aren't considered dystopian.
Now, I have stuff to do
Raven DeWitt

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We'll I'm not gonna shove my opinion in your face without letting you fight back. I am human and prone to lots of error, so you should tell me!