quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Accomplished Constiracies

So, I'm still busy, and I just found out that I also have a church thing tomorrow. Overnight conference. So, July, I most likely won't finish the Story sentence thing by Sunday. Sorry!
In Health class we're doing an News Paper about Ourselves. Ugh. We have to do a story about our friends, that I don't really get. We aslo have to do a story about our greatest Accomplishment. I mean, like seriously?! I'm thirteen! In the eighth grade! It's not like we've stared in a movie, gone to space or developed a cure for cancer. The most we've done is get on the honor roll, beat a video game or be on a winning sports team. I haven't accomplished something, anything amazing. I'm THIRTEEN! It's not like I even care about all that crap. My teacher said it helps higher your self esteem to think about your accomplishments. I'M THIRTEEN!!! Thirteen year olds don't usually have super great accomplishments. Or low self esteem. It's like dude, we're in eighth grade and are doing fine, we don't have any accomplishments or self esteem issues. We honestly don't care!!!!!!
I am also WAY into conspiracy theories. So, today when I heard that Snow White is accually about drugs I had to look it up. And I found a conspiracy theories website. I only looked at the Snow White Drug thingy (Snow White is the street name for Cocaine. The seven dwarves are the seven symptoms of cocaine), but I'm going to look at some more, so yay!

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We'll I'm not gonna shove my opinion in your face without letting you fight back. I am human and prone to lots of error, so you should tell me!