quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Monday, April 8, 2013

St. Louis, dorito kids and fake "friends"

Hey! So it was my first day back to school, after the amazing spring break. It was exasting and annoying. Like, I honestly wish it never happened. Although math class was sorta fun. Okay, so anyways, I got accepted for my church mission trip to St. Louis!! Yay!!! I litterally just got the call! Yay!!!
Anyways first day back from spring break, eveeryone looks like the human dorito. I'm not even kidding. This one guy had all his friends arguing over whether he looked like he was spray tanned really bad, or if he looked like he was covered in peanut butter. I disagree. He was way weirder color.
Also, in that same class they sat behind me, and I heard them talking about one of their other friends who wasn't there. And it was like "he's the worst looking one out of all of us" and crap like that. I didn't know if I should laugh (the popularest guy in school getting trashed by his "friends"), or just ignore them (none of my business what they're saying), or to snitch, which is the least likely option. I hate snitches. I just ignored them, but still it's kinda jerky/jertaqstical? Eh, the jerks are being jerks to the biggest jerk. Fake popular people at their best. When they aren't petting me and my friends or saying that they're my boyfriend ("remember you agreed?" Yeah, and anime is for little kids *insert eye roll here*). Seriously it happens. It has happened. To me. From them. I honestly feel half sorry, half you get what's going around. I hate them, but nobody deserves that. It's bitter sweet. Mostly sweet. Eh, I'm probably overthinking this. But still.... Well whatever, their problem not mine.
Not Fake
Raven DeWitt


  1. Wow that's really harsh of them, but yeah I agree most people do throw their friends under the bus when they're not around. I DON'T THOUGH SO DON'T LOOK AT ME!

  2. I know and it sucks, but he kinda deserves it. DONT LOOK AT ME EITHER, and you better not be fake -_- Watchin you O.o


We'll I'm not gonna shove my opinion in your face without letting you fight back. I am human and prone to lots of error, so you should tell me!