quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Everything wrong with xmen: first class

It's Tuesday and I've been doing crafts and stuff and I hit my ankle really really really hard and there's a new tfs episode and...... WHEW! Happy, good today. Whazzup with you? You wanna know what else is up with me? Everything wrong with! In preparation for days of future past?

Blogger of future past
First class blogger


  1. DUDE? How did you hit your ankle???? Haha, you would though ;p

    1. I would what? Well, I hit my ankle cause there was a duck nest by my window and I was looking at it and then I was doing my ninja moves to get out of the sunroom while still not hitting furniture and I hit my ankle really really really really hard.


We'll I'm not gonna shove my opinion in your face without letting you fight back. I am human and prone to lots of error, so you should tell me!