quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Friday, May 9, 2014

Wanted: Books to Movies!

Happy Friday! So, being Friday I have to post about something Fri-like. And ya know, movies are a thing of obsession for me. So is anime, manga, video games and BOOKS! So, combining books and movies, is books (and series) I wish would be made into a movie. Books into movies are usually a flop, but this list is books being made into a movie THAT IS LIKE THE BOOK. Cause they've done well with that for Divergent and Catching Fire, but I mean a LOT more like the book than EVEN those. I'm going from 5-1 with honorable mentions before 1. Now, lettus begin!
5) Heist Society series. I mean, it's about a con artist who is like literally my age. What could be better? It's pretty epic and I'd love to play Kat. Hello, she's the leader of the whole group. Plus the fact that she's smart and criminal. Which, is something I either am or would like to be. Dunno which.

4) My sisters a vampire series. It's a little (lot) little kid-ey, but I like it. It's cute and it involves vampires. I'd wanna play Ivy. Hello, vampire!

3) Isle of Swords and the sequels. Pirates and Christianity, what's better? Plus let's just say Thorn is one of the best villains of all time. I'd like to play Anne. Adventurous, daughter of a pirate and I've always wanted red hair.

2) Gallagher Girls series. Starting with -I'm pretty sure- I'd tell you I love you but then I'd have to kill you, but anyways, the whole series would make one epic movie series. I mean, it's a show about spies who are barely older than me! I would, of course, love to play Cameron Morgan. Not only is she totally awesome, but she's also a bit like me. Smart and good at fighting but at the same time, she's not the best. She is the best at being invisible.

Honorable mentions: Legend. It's already sold the rights so, I dunno about it. I'd want to play June. Heroes of Olympus. They're already making Percy Jackson, so I think they're gonna continue with Heroes of Olympus. I'd want to play Annabeth, but she's taken, so Hazel Levesque. The BOOKS of Pirates of the Caribbean Jack Sparrow adventures. I mean, young jack! Lastly Number One Ladies Detective agency, it was a TV show, which does work....

1) First Grave on the Right series. Shortened name: The grave series. It's about a grim reaper, who is FEMALE and a NORMAL HUMAN, who's in love with the son of satan, crazy, a PI and can see ghosts. She's just like me! I'd love to play -doy- Charlie Davidson. Hello, main character, previously mentioned stuff PLUS sarcastic, immature and totally like me. Damaged, delusional and dorky. She's pretty great.

Pirate grim vampire con artist spy


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