quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Friday, May 30, 2014


Okay, so I forgot to mention this, but in the airport on Tuesday I discovered my favorite mythical creature.... A GUY MY AGE, READING! I mean, reading a real book. Not comic or manga or magazine (although, manga and comics are recommended for everyone, and some magazines can be cool.... Sometimes....). I know guys read, but I mean, most of the guys I know well.............. Okay, the guys I know are divided into three categories; my brothers friends, my friends and misc. (misc. includes populars, and guys who I'm chill with, but not exactly friends with). My brothers friends? Reading? Hahahahhahhahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhah X10000000000000000000000000000. I'm pretty sure the only thing they read is video games and anime subs (if the anime isn't in English). Or manga. They read manga, and graphic novels and comics. They only read things with pictures......
The other guys I know! Friends: most of my friends of the male gender actually do read. Or, I can guess, cause I've -heard them talking about/talked to them about/seen them reading- books. And like, not only mangas and comics and video games! So, bravo! Oh, and not only for school!
Then there's the misc. I've never -heard them talking about/talked to them about/seen them reading- books. I've never actually seen them read anything unless it had to do with school, bit them again, I usually don't talk to them anyways. So....? I doubt they read though.
So, guys do read. Maybe a third? Half? If you read, TELL ME! On social media, a comment, email, as long as you tell me! But that's what was so weird about the guy in the airport. Most of my guy friends that read are, no offense, kinda dork/nerd/unpopular like me. Some of them are popular, but not popular doosh-bag. Which, the guy in the airport was dressed like. I think he's totally awesome because he reads and is a guy, but he looked like the popular-doosh. The typical SnapBack, those cool survival-bracelets-turned-necklace things, the typical sporty tshirt-thingy, hot..... Seriously! I mean, he wasn't like my brothers friends, half baked, listening to awesome music and wearing either a band shirt or no shirt, but he wasn't like the typical guys I know who read, with usually no jewelry or hats or anything and I'm pretty sure usually just a normal tshirt (not the sporty one....). I was super excited to have seen him. Maybe teenage-guys-who-read will have to be my new favorite mythical creature ;). In other news, performed Romeo and Juliet -> Marvel vs. D.C. today. I'll post the script like tomorrow or something.
Raven DeWitt

Cause I read..... EVERYTHING!!! (Seriously, I don't know what song that is, but it goes "I remember... EVERYTHING and I read manga and comics and graphic novels and video games and anime subs and books and like, all that good stuff)

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