quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Yesterday, today, Friday and nothing inbetween

Hey. So, yesterday I gave you the first part of the first day of my Tenesse trip. I'll tell you the next part in a minute but first I gotta tell you about yesterday and this morning; yesterday I went Blueberry picking and then to the library were I rented the first three Shrek movies, Lilo and Stitch 2: Stitch has a glitch and a book "Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet". It's the fourth book in a series, which I haven't read yet but I want to. I only have them for a week but I'll keep you posted about the whole thing. Then I'll read the first three books then the fifth one. Then we picked up Pheonix from work and came home. Yeah, Phoenix has a job. Then when we got home I had July come over. She got a new dog who I was gonna meet. But the dog ran away and she had to spend a few hours chasing it. Okay, not hours, but it was a while. Then I went over and helped give Diablo Perro a bath. That's the cuties nickname now, BTW. I love that evil little puppy. Then I went to the neighborhood pool with Jessie. And her brothers, and their friends. Anyways we played toothpick and bottlecap. It was fun. Then this morning Jessie came over and we went to look at my brothers turtle Raphiel while I put away my clothes and stuff from the houseboat. She asked if there were any creepy peoples in the basement and I said I hope not, jokingly. Then I heard footsteps and I went to check it out when Phoenix came up. I was freaked cause Phoenix was supposed to be at work. I litterally had a heart attack. I mean, he was supposed to be at work and we had just talked about creepers in the basement. I was fffffffrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddd.
Anyways, when we got to the houseboats I changed into a swimsuit and went up to the top deck thingy. Some people were there playing Egyptian Ratscrew (I rrrreeeaaallllyyyy want to know how they named that game!) and I joined in. It was fun, but too many people joined so we had to toss over chairs from other boats. We had ssssoooo many chairs! I swear we took all the chairs from one of the boats. The didn't even know what had hit them. Or left them. Anyways, then everyone had to go to their own boat and we left on a twelve hour expedition to find a place to "dock". Minus the dock part. We just tied up to some trees on a super steep thingy complete with posionus snakes. It seriously took fffffffffooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr. Then we went swimming. Yay! It was super fun! I llllllllllllooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeee swimming. And stretching out words. But mostly swimming. Then we had bible study and our boat didn't want to have to go to another boat, where the only way to go between boats was swimming and catching a boat ride or kiack/paddle board away. So we decided on bible study on our boat cause "we have enough chairs". Dunno why... ;p. Then we took a shower and had small group prayer and talking, and then we went to sleep. Everyone had to share a room and I shareed a room with the college intern. She just turned twenty monday.
And that's the first day
Raven DeWitt

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