quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Monday, January 20, 2014

Fun questions tag

 First off, no school today! Doing my happy dance! And secondly, my bro Hilda (she's a girl, I just call everyone my bro....) has a tag, called the fun questions tag and I thought, I have nothing else to post. So, here's the link to her blog: http://hildald.blogspot.com/2014/01/fun-questions-tag.html and here's my answers!

1) When is your birthday? May 15th. My facebook and email say something different, but that's cause I didn't feel like using my real birthday. (Sowwy!)

2) What are 3 of your favorite colors? Black, blue and purple (no, I am not goth)

3) What are your 3 favorites quotes?
"Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost." -alchemy's law of equivalent exchange, from fullmetal alchemist

"I had a professor once who liked to tell his students that there were only 10 different plots in all of fiction. Well, I'm here to tell you he was wrong. There is only one: 'Who am I?'" -teacher in amazing Spider-Man

"A heart full of emotion, a soul full of dignity," -soul eater

4) Are you addicted to YouTube? Double yes with a side of yes

5) What are 3 of your favorite shows on TV or YouTube or both? Youtube: teamfourstar (love you guys! :3), hishe and honest trailers (love you guys too, but I am a tfs addict!)

Anime (I count it as tv, but some people don't): Naruto, black butler and either soul eater, fullmetal alchemist or legend of the legendary heroes

TV: psych, doctor who and supernatural
In all those categories, I love many more and am always open to suggestion of what to watch from people :)

6) What are 3 qualities you like in a best friend? I don't know. There's not a lot of things that I require. I guess just loyalty, open minded-ness and not taking stuff too seriously

7) Do you like your name? Yeah

8) If you have the choice to pick your own name, what will it be? Griffin. I know, from weird to weirder, but I like being a bit different

9) What is your fantasy dream? Middle earth and hogwarts and camphalfblood and new Rome and every anime and book and fantasy world combined with every character from them. With dragons and elves and wizards and hippocampus and tailed beast and shiganami and stuff like that and I would be able to travel between those worlds with powers in each one, my own clan, my own life but I'm still me. That would be perfect.

10) Do you wear makeup? *hisses* keep that away from me!!! (In other words, no makeup. Ever, if I can help it)

11) If you could write a book, what would the title be and what would it be about? Well, I'm in the process of writing several books. A kids of the avengers, a genderbent avengers, a teenage girl Sherlock Holmes, yin yang detective agency, modern day Alice in wonderland, 1D zombie apocalypse (at request of friend), dragon necklaces, rise of the brave tangled dragons and many, many others. If you want to read any of my books, suggest a book to write, or find out what they're about, email me, comment, contact me on Facebook or Twitter and ask. You can use my ideas, but you cannot directly copy my work, or say I stole your idea. I will not be happy about that. -.- not happy. But feel free to ask or suggest or use (no steal!) :)

12) What makes you cry? Anime and video games and books and tv and movies (mostly anime and books and video games)

13) What makes you angry? Anime and video games and books and tv and movies

14) What makes you happy? Anime and video games and books and oh, you get the point!

15) What is "Fangirling?" Me. About what I mentioned above. It's being in love with the characters and plot and everything they say and do and think and loving every moment of it until the end.

16) What are your 3 favorites snacks? Ramen, beef jerky and Nutella

17) What are your 3 favorite foods? Ramen, general tzos chicken and teriyaki chicken (my mom makes a special kind)

18) What are your 3 favorite drinks? Mountain Dew, monster and amp

19) Can you tell us a little about yourself? Um... I'm a hardcore fangirl. About what I love, and I will stand up for it. I'll stand up for everything I love. No matter what.

20) What are 10 random facts about you?
1) my full name is Raven Leigh DeWitt
2) Yesterday at church we did random facts about you, but with however many skittles you took, when you took a handful of skittles
3) I have a dog I call doggie
4) I have two turtles I share with my brother
5) the dog does hasn't tried to eat the turtles (yet?)
6) the turtles are named Raphael after teenage mutant ninja turtles, and blastoise after the starter Pokemon evolved form in Pokemon
7) my favorite movies are all superhero movies, rise of the guardians and pirates of the Caribbean four (yes, my favorite one is four)
8) I am currently reading the minor adjustment beauty salon (a no. 1 ladies' detective agency novel), the book thief and rereading the first percy Jackson book.
9) today is the last day my grandparents are here in Michigan
10) I just had the most epic marbles game

21) What are your 3 fun things to do? Read, watch tv/anime/movies and play video games

So, like yeah.
That's me.
If you want this tag, you can have it, just tell Hilda
Fangirl nerd
Raven DeWitt


  1. Excellent bro!! And i'm glad you put not to steal your work" notice. No worries about me, i don't do that at all. It's so wrong and I respect others' writings. I had so much fun reading your answers! Thanks again! :D

    1. Yeah ^^ I don't mind inspiring! I can share! but stealing is not sharing. I trust people though :)

    2. Aww cool! And so true. :)


We'll I'm not gonna shove my opinion in your face without letting you fight back. I am human and prone to lots of error, so you should tell me!