quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Top 5 exam tips. Mostly scientifically proven by me.

So, I have been doing exams and while I'm no expert studier, I have exams, two extra hours this morning and a hour at lunch. So, I decided to maybe help. Maybe. I know, it's a bit late for some exams, but you can still try it I guess...
Tips for exam studying:

1) wear something you like.
Seriously, don't wear that itchy sweater just cause you want to match your best friend. Don't wear that unusually short, tight dress just cause your going to be in the same room with your crush for two hours straight. Wear your favorite shirt, comfy jeans and a nice warm sweatshirt you love. Seriously, it makes you feel comfy and relaxed and so you'll be feeling fabulous.

2) music/gum/smell/color/joke link up with brain.
Seriously, chewing gum or listening to a song or wearing a color while studying sets off this one thing in your brain. Like when you hear captain Jack, if you watch doctor who you think captain Jack Harkness! If you watch pirates of the Caribbean you think captain Jack sparrow. Or if a place you like has a certain good smell and then somewhere else has it, you're going to immediately thing of the place you like. It's just how our brains work. Same with the joke. Or saying. Could you remember PEMDAS or parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction? Nope. Well, not easily. But please excuse my dear aunt Sally? That you'll remember. So, you're welcome.

3) tv or game to let brain go "argh-arg-arg-a ooh! Cupcake!"
Studying constantly can be just as damaging as not studying at all. This goes with number 2 a bit, and letting your brain make connections, but it also is just relaxing. Take a game break, or if you know you'll get to distracted and not stop, watch tv while studying. The game makes your brain relax and get ready for new info, and same with the tv. I know watching tv helps me because A) background noise and B) my mind when it gets to wibbly wobbly Timey wimey, can just relax and watch Shawn make fun of lassie for the next few minutes before going back to cramming.

4) writing, speaking, seeing learning type
Everyone is a different learning type. If you learn better by hearing stuff, yen get someone to ask you questions, or even study out loud by yourself, so that you can hear the questions. If you do better by seeing, stare at the paper for a few minutes then take it away and answer all the questions. If you learn better by writing, write every question and answer five times. It helps, believe me. Maybe even try all of them.

If you fail he worst that can happen is you can't get any job except at a scientific center as a test subject, they give you a serum that you have a allergic reaction with and turn into a zombie and either turn every human into a zombie or eat them, making humans go extinct. You see how crazy that sounds?  I mean, it could happen, but you'll probably be able to get a job anywhere else if you fail. Most likely, nothing will happen, life will go on, you will go to your new class next semester with new people and new teachers and new subjects and life will go on and you won't be responsible for the extinction of the human race. The test subject they do have however.......
So, gots to go to examy time now.
Have fun
Not responsible for the extinction of the human race
Raven DeWitt


  1. What about imagining captain jack sparrow ask you questions like "What year did that Columbus fellow supposedly discovered america.... Even though i was the one?" ;P

    1. Oh my gosh, that's the greatest thing ever! I gotta use that!

    2. Although, captain Jack actually lived after America was discovered (they make references to the "new world" throughout he movies), but he did discover the fountain of youth, and Ila de murita


We'll I'm not gonna shove my opinion in your face without letting you fight back. I am human and prone to lots of error, so you should tell me!