quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Thursday, January 23, 2014

January something

Guess who had a snow day? My brother. Guess who else had a snow day? My best friends. Guess yet another person who had a snow day? Every town surrounding mine. Guess who didn't have a snow day and was stuck learning all day? Me. My school and me. Me-sa stuck in school-sa. Last night was very snowy, but now it's sunny, so I guess that's why. I again, feel bad for superintendent junior, who has to listen to all this crap about how it should have been a snow day. Honestly though, if he were my good friend, I would tell him to bribe his dad. Say he'll wash his car or something. In the middle of the winter. Of course, it would be my friend, so I'd be highly sarcastic, but I mean, it would still be a bit annoying. "Your dad should've called a snow day." "Why didn't your dad make it a snow day?" "You should've told your dad to make it a snow day." Oy vey or some French word that's just like oh gosh, really? What does oy vey mean? Anyways, if that were me, I would tell them to shut their big trap. If they really had that big of a problem with it, they can grow a pair and ditch class. No offense, but I am nice, not afraid to stand it for myself. There's a difference. Not that I'm saying the kid is, but that's why my personality is a bit bold, but in a lighter color. Or maybe it's very light in a Dark color. Dunno. Anyways, that's why my dad isn't the superintendent. Plus the fact that my dad's an engineer not a school board person. But anyways, it isn't snowy in the extreme, so I personally don't think it should be a snow day. Not to say that I don't want a snow day, (I would love one!) but it's not the right weather type. Not the right weather amount. Of course, I am slightly glad to be in school today (just like I'm slightly a boy, slightly dead and slightly 100 years old. Aka, not really at all), because in two whole hours, I'm watching a movie. Plus Japanese which is 6th hour now, which doesn't start for a day or two. The movies are sea biscuit, about a horse starring spiderman (the one who fit the profile for Peter Parker and danced in the street with venom), and gattaca, which I totally called everything, and it's old, but futuristic. Like starwars and Star Trek, but without the cheesy special effects. It's really good special effects for a twenty year old film. Like Jurassic park! Wow, didn't realize that before. Anyways, unfinished but someone better pick up the phone, cause I freakin called it! Boom! Tfs line, whazzup!
(S)no snowday
Haha, punny!
Stuck in school
Raven DeWitt


We'll I'm not gonna shove my opinion in your face without letting you fight back. I am human and prone to lots of error, so you should tell me!