quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Lego movie!

Hello! Sorry, 'bout yesterday, but I was hanging out with July and we watched the Lego movie. I have to say, it was cute and cheesy and funny and predictable and soooo little kiddy it rocked. It was really pretty great, but it was a bit strange. And it must've taken forever to make. Stop motion.... I tried it before, an it was terrible. So, kudos to them. And it featured a bunch of awesome actors like starlord (Chris pines, just look it up), Liam Neeson, Buddy the elf (what's your favorite color! Okay, will feral), and other people... I think in imdb or whatever it said Cobie Smulder, and the guys who played C3PO an Lando played C3PO and Lando. And I'm sure other people, but these are the ones I like in multiple things. Or are just awesome because they're one awesome character that's awesomeness is so amazingly awesome. Anyways...... 4/5, cause it was cute and had many awesome actors, but was still just a little too... Meh. But I did love it.


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