quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Friday, October 10, 2014

Top 5 most common offensive stereotypes

So, this post is inspired by CinemaSins and cracked (not crack...) because they both mentioned something that got me thinking about it.... CinemaSins TFIOS video, cracked stereotypes in commercials. If you wanna watch them and question my sanity or low standards for inspiration. Either way....
Anyways, this post is about top 5 seriously common stereotypes in almost every tv show, book, movie ect..... Anywho, in no particular order....

1- Christians are godly freaks who think everything's a sin, sing all the time and are going to hit you with a moral lesson if you so much as dislike a certain type of candy, and shove their opinions down your throat every chance they get.
Oh. My. Gosh. I am a Christian and while I do go around singing, it's disney or rock songs. Yeah, I am a Christian but I sin, I let people believe what they want to (even if I do want them to convert I'm not going to try suffocating them with Christianity) and while I do like giving advice, I am not some wise, perfect angel who will think the world will come to an end if you don't do the right thing. Oh, and while I am a freak, most Christians are normal people. Actually, no ones normal, but they don't go around looking like a freak, acting like one and basically being stereotype and me like. They fit in with human beings.

2- if you're a genius, you're completely emotionless, believe in evolution and are a whore (or man-whore).
Seriously? I get the emotionless part, but there are smart people in the world who do not believe in evolution. Plus the fact that smart people don't have sex with every other hot guy who's "in love" with them. A- it totally complicated things. B-there's a number of things that could go wrong; std, pregnancy, they could be a pervy creepy loser, serial killer.... Just sayin. C- if you're a girl at least, your brain releases some chemical that whenever you give birth, breast feed or have sex, you become attached to whoever was b up there, forming an attachment for the rest of your life you can never get rid of.

3- if you're a nerd, you are a socially incompetent loser, who had never talked to the opposite gender, had friends or dated anyone.
Okay, just because that describes me ('Cept for the never-talking-to-opposite-gender thing, cause most of my friends are guys) doesn't mean it describes all nerds. I have lots of friends who are nerds who are social, have dated people and are actually pretty societies version of cool (my version is either nerdy or deadly or anycombination thereof). In yo face!

4- if you're a cheerleader you're rude, stupid, slutty, popular and your role model is Regina George from mean girls.
Wow. No. I personally dislike cheerleaders (pep, short skirts.... Not my thing, mostly cause I'm chill and like guys....) but I have a couple friends who are cheerleaders and one of them isn't stupid, they aren't popular or rude and they don't shove their tongues down random hot guys throats. Seriously.

5- if it's a kids show, all grown ups are lonely old cat ladies, have an IQ under 1 or soulless, terrible people. If it's a grownup show, all teenagers (or kids) are nerds (stereotype ones above), brats or sluts and their life aspiration is weed and.... Get money from doing nothing but smoking weed.
Not every teenager wants to be a druggie with their life, I've already talked about nerds, and there are teenagers who aren't trying to get pregnant or don't think they're the queen of the world. Seriously.
And grown ups? They've gone to school and lived life over ten more years than you, they aren't stupider than you (for the most part) and if all grownups were  lonely cat people, you'd have never been born. Kids wouldn't exist if all grow ups never found a match. Logic. And for the rudeness... There are some nice grown ups out there.... Some.


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We'll I'm not gonna shove my opinion in your face without letting you fight back. I am human and prone to lots of error, so you should tell me!