quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Percy Jackson And The Sea Of Monsters

Some movies are terrible. Suck. Some are decent. Then most are good, or even great. Then there are some, that are epic. Percy Jackson And The Sea Of Monsters on a scale of one to ten, five hundred. Thousand. It could be high, but there are some minor moments when I was about to scream but this time not out of happiness. Okay, so first of all, there was the begining. Awesome! I loved the thing, even if Percy did lose to save I'm pretty sure it was Chris Rodregez or however you spell it. It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't well... Help. Change. Join the Princess Andromedia. Then there was Tyson, done perfectly. I loved him. The quest to the sea of monsters started diferently than I remembered, and it really was, but it was the same as in the book but a different place in the timeline. Does that make sense? It does to me. Am I talking or typing or going insane to fast? Cause I feel like I am. Too much necture maybe ;-p. Okay, Clarisse was awesome too, but she had a rivalry with him in the first one the writers just couldn't explain. There was also the ending which I was confused because Luke can't die and Percy can't fight Kronus... yet. That's not until the fifth book. Anyways, half-bloods are not allowed cell phones and electronics like that because it's like a flare for monsters. But, in the fourth book Annabeth gets Daedus's laptop or whatever, which a half-blood can have. It sounds awesome! :-). =]. I liked the movie, but I wanted to see Circes Island. Not the Circeland theme park, but her spa. Where she turns guys into pigs. Well, guiny pigs. Pigs are too messy. It's a line from the book, even if not an exact one. I also wish they had the island of the sirens. To explain that Annabeth still loves Luke, they were bestfriends once. Overall, I liked it. Even though, Polyhemus didn't try to marry Grover, and then Clarisse. They also missed the Pirahna sheep. It's just that wasn't something I was looking forward to. Anyways, it was a great movie. Special effects are amazing. And awesome. The monsters were sweet looking, even if they used the hydra in the first one instead of the second one. They also didn't add in Blackjack. Who is like the coolest horse ever. It was awesome. So, I suggest the movie to anyone, whether or not they're in the fandom.
Daughter of Posiden
Raven DeWitt

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