quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Friday, October 4, 2013

Supernatural Trenton science dads.

Hey! Chem club day. So, I saw Trenton today and I have an abusive father to my science experiment child in chem club. And there's Wednesday with Indiana. What should I start with? I'm gonna go with the abusive dad. So, two weeks ago at slice club I did my experiment into with m friend. We each kept half and he was like destroying his science experiment "child". He was turning it inside out a lot.  Anyways, we all agreed that he should not be a real dad. It's week I made the experiment and the same kids didn't turn out. I gave him half of mine, but before we were both playing with it and arguing on both the gender and custody of the child and making very inappropriate jokes or things that just didn't turn out right. One of the funniest was that we were the parent of the experiment together both times. Aka-awkward. And when I saw Trenton today I was in the library for fifth hour, and the Internet was all spotty. It kept going out and crap. So, I was just chillin and Trenton came in and hugged me (ugh!). So we were talking a bit when some guy yells at him to stop bugging me. I regret that I didn't say "oh, he always bugs me, but I don't have anything to do for a hour." Why does everyone yell a me and Trenton when we talk? And what I forgot to tell you about on Wednesday was that we were talking about the book tangerine, which I HATED. It was like, a super big lead to a stupid end. Like ow inception ended with the top that didn't yet stop so you don't know if its dream or reality. Love the whole movie but not the ending. Except tangerine. It sounded like it should lead up to a HP, HG and PJ mash up, not the boring nothingness ending. It sucked. So me and Indiana were naming other disappointing endings and she said a supernatural one, where supernatural ended with it was all just a guy trolling them. "I killed your mother just to mess with your head". I officially think someone needs to write an alternate ending with that in there. Like, I would love that no matter how much I love supernatural.
Mother of my science experiments
Raven DeWitt

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