quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Twitter, Lords of rings, and fake psychics

I have been playing Lego Lord Of The Rings. All day. I am in the middle of the seconds movie, when Frodo and Sam got captured by... is it Farimier or Boremier? Anyways it's in that part, and it's a really addicting.
At this moment in time I am watching The Mentalist. Just finished watching the one where the guy afriad of clowns got killed by guess what? A clown. Cruel. My mom (who's s psysical therapist) keeps on noticing who walks weird. A mental patient and a guy who gets murdered (in the episode I just started). Jane is now working with the annoying other psychic who you met in seasin one (if you watch this show). I can't wait until he proves she's NOT A REAL PSYCHIC!!!!! Let me repeat that SHE'S NOT A REAL PSYCHIC!!!! Why? PSYCHICS AREN'T REAL!!!! You don't need that repeated it should be obvious.
My evil friend July (EVIL!!!!) Made me get a Twitter yesterday. Raven13DeWitt13 with the same picture as my face book photo with Jack Frost in the background. I already have... I think three random followers, but I am the type of person who does follow backs or whatever. Yep.
Also before I forget I have to advertise for a boyfriend for my super hero obsessed, crazy (maybe insane), best friend Jessie (Sorry Jessie, I have too) or we will accept donations for her ex (I'll explain in a minute) so they can get back together.  She broke up with him because ever since he got sent to the hospital with an extreme case of non-existence he stopped talking to her. There is no cure for non-existence, but with your funds we can find one ;-) (it's all a joke. DO NOT SEND FUNDS!!!!)
Now on Twitter
Raven DeWitt

1 comment:

We'll I'm not gonna shove my opinion in your face without letting you fight back. I am human and prone to lots of error, so you should tell me!