quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier Review

On a scale of  1-10, how awesome is Captain America? OVER 9000!!! Yes, I did just make a Dragon Ball Z reference in a superhero post. No, I'm not going to apologize. Anyways, before I tell you about the movie, you have some important messages. 1) My brother's friend is in a bit of trouble. By a bit, I mean a lot. A heck of a lot. A super duper heck of a lot. Like, over 9000 heck of a lot. I can't say what, but if you believe in the power of prayer (or even if you don't and you want to) please pray for him. 2) Yesterday, before the movie I ate squid. A little mini one, the size of a bathtub toy (which I totally don't have. Well, it's not for baths...). I ate it and while it was a... Enriching experience, I liked it (slightly) but it's not what I'm going to order first thing next time. Anyways, so after that we went to the movie and the whole time I felt like I was going to be that guy in Hellboy, who has a squid in him (um... Spoiler I guess. He's Russian). Anyways, now onto the review!
Anyways, you know my how awesome is Captain America bit up there? Well, it's true. And this movie was no exception! You know how I was worried? It wasn't anything like Captain turning weak instead of being good. It was good was good and he lived up to it. Which I am so thankful for. Of course, there is so much in that movie to discuss... Where to start...
Everyone's opinions (of the people I went with): I went with both my wonderful parents, my awesome brother and the terrific Trenton. Trenton fell asleep, so he doesn't have a rock solid case for his opinion of it, but he liked it (up until he fell asleep). Phoenix loved it, something which we have in common (along with well... most opinions and the way we look and personality, but whatever). Phoenix liked it because explosions and fights and stuff. Plus the fact that a ship took out half a building, the beginning had a cool ship battle, there was a car chase, a wreck and more than a few awesome well... Everything. My dad liked it. My mom, however, didn't like it. It was too dark for her taste. Plus *SPOILER* SHEILD was infiltrated and who in this day and age says hail hydra? Even loving the movie, to me that seemed cheesy. *SPOILER OVER* I hate to say it, I loved the movie, but I have to agree with my mom on that moot point. It was very dark. Very very very dark. Which, while I may enjoy action and explosions, may not be my moms thing. I can handle it, but a few of my friends aren't into explosions, car chases and superheroes. Weird, huh? Anyways, while they may enjoy some, they probably wouldn't be able to get as into this one because well, fight scene, storyline, car chase, fight, fight, storyline, fight, fight, explosion, fight, explosion, story, fight, fight is basically how the movie went. Which is great, if you're well... Like me, yelling "YEAH! KICK HIS SORRY BUTT!!!" Sitting there in a Captain America sweatshirt, t and earings. But ya know, other people surprisingly aren't as into that as me. Now for my opinion of it: You heard me say I loved it, but there is some stuff I have to add on. 1: For those of you who have read the soul eater manga or seen the soul eater anime, did anyone else think of black star whenever it showed the winter soldier's arm? Cause I was totally thinking of that. Ya know, with the star and all? 2: *SPOILER ALERT* HOW THE HECK DID THEY KILL OFF SPOILER AND THEN BRING HIM BACK?!?! THAT WAS CREUL!!! Plus the fact that Marvels done that like three times (Phil Coulson, Bucky Barnes, Nick Furry) and that's technically only the ones who were declared dead. There's the parts in say Ironman when they have that little "declaring Stark dead" or "Tony, you'll die" moments, they even had one in Captain America 1! With Steve Rogers! I mean, seriously, those moments last for five seconds, but you can't seriously let people believe they died. And Loki in Thor 2! I mean, he got stabbed but no, he didn't. Fangirls cried in the theater over him! *SPOILER OVER* And I loved the Falcon, and his "Supersuit" or mechanicalized wings. I want one. Plus I loved how the Winter Soldier *SPOILER ALERT* saved the captain in the end. Yay Bucky! *SPOILER ALERT OVER* And I haven't even mentioned the end credit scenes.
Ever since the avengers there's been 2 end credit scenes. In Thor there was one kinda important one and then one where Thor and his girlfriend made out. *Gag* But in Captain America 2, I liked both end credit scenes. The 1st one well.... First off, the people in the cells were The Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, I think. And HOW THE HECK DID HYDRA GET LOKIS SCEPTOR?!?!?! I mean, SHEILD had it during (and I think at the end of) the avengers, but wouldn't he have gotten it back? or at least had Thor keep it up in asgaurd? How do you trick the Norse God of Tricks out of his weapon? And, oh yeah, CRAP! The 2nd end scene, well, A) Anyone notice the captains leather jacket instead of his uniform? Haha, Stan Lee. And secondly, Brainwashed Bucky standing at the Bucky Barnes exibit? OH MY GOSH, IF I WERE HIM THAT WOULD GIVE ME A MAJOR HEADACHE. Like, whoa. I would be like "Wait, I did WHAT? I'm that old? I wouldn't be that stupid!!!" And I personally enjoyed this end credit scene.
Captain Critic


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We'll I'm not gonna shove my opinion in your face without letting you fight back. I am human and prone to lots of error, so you should tell me!