quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Art In The Park

So, yesterday we went to pick up my grandparents. Yay! Today, after church we went to art in the park. It was pretty fun, but its hard to walk around in high heels for like five hours. And I was with Trenton and Pheonix, who kept on talking about hot girls or "Beautiful Art". I know they weren't really talking about art, because we only looked at like four stands. The food stand (corn dogs and elephant ears and very very good lemonade), this one that had all these awesome wooden chests-some of them had these even cooler hidden droors!!!, pet rocks (I wanted a panda!) and finally my personal favorite stand, this one that had quarters where they cut shapes out of them, like four leaf clovers and the M for U of M.
Soon we are going to see Iron Man three, So I'll reveiw that tomorrow.
Raven DeWitt


We'll I'm not gonna shove my opinion in your face without letting you fight back. I am human and prone to lots of error, so you should tell me!