quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Makinaw orchestra

Hey! So, I have an orchestra concert tonight. Fun. By fun, I mean boringer than school, more annoying than the people there and longer than the rest of the school year. I'm not even joking. It starts at seven, and probably won't end until July 7. In year 7777.  It's just that miserable. Ugh.
Then, tomorrow, I have to go to Makinaw island. I dunno if it's gonna be too bad, or really fun, I just know that everything in my life always condesnses into like a week. Then nothing happens before everything condenses into another week. It always happens like that. Ugh! Now I have to pack, iron my orchestra outfit and play in like one day. We don't even have the whole thing down perfect. It's going to be a disaster. No offense, but it really will!
Busy busy busy!!!
Raven DeWitt

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