quote of the whenever

“Home is behind, the world ahead” – Edge of night, LotR song

Monday, May 6, 2013

IRONMAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you love action, explosion and sappy stupid yet cute romance, mixed in with our favorite sarcasm man of iron, you will LOVE Ironman 3. I only saw the 2D version, which sucks, because I like 3D better, but I went with my brother, parents and grandparents, who all dislike 3D, so it was out of the question. If you see it in 3D, feel free to comment and tell me all about your 3D experience. I would love to hear it!
So, Ironman 3 starts out like any other Ironman. Him before he's changed, a sarcastic, man-whore jerk, who is also a geinus. Unlike my spelling. Of course, this is a flashback, because as Avengers or any superhero fans should know, Tony Stark is a changed man. Now he's a sarcastic, rich, genius jerk, who is committed to Pepper Pots. But, in this flashback we learn that he had an ex-girlfriend, (One of many!). This one, is special. She is a scientist, who was looking into how to make plants regrow leaves if people break them off, or something like that. Helps them regenerate after they've been harmed. There was also this one man who works for AIM who wanted to recrute Tony into his own project. Tony, like the jerk he was, stood the man up. You make your own demons.
Then it goes back to present time. Tony, still haunted by the past experience in New York, can't sleep. He goes days without sleep, and when he does sleep he has nightmares. About the aliens. There are whole other worlds out there that he can't even begin to imagine. He, I'm guessing, would be more haunted than the rest of the Avengers, probably, I think. Thor, after all, has grown up his whole life knowing about this. Captain America battled hydra, and has had his share of magic. The Hulk can change into a giant green monster if he so much as works out or watches a horror movie. (You DO NOT want to throw him a suprise party). I mean, Captain America and The Hulk were both science made, but Ironman is the only one who's science based. Machines are logical, if they don't work they usually have a screw loose. People, science experiments, well you don't know the outcome. That's why they're experiments. Tony is the logic guy. I mean, the other parts of the team, Black Widow, Hawkeye, they're normal people without superpowers too, but they work at a place where they deal with magic and the supernatural all the time. Tony, however, has always worked at a machine workshop in his basement, making machines. He's the one who uses logic, not beleives or trust or faith. Logically he is the one most affected. You don't go through a jurastic change in belief without those feelings of wonder and trying to come up with a explination.
Tony can't sleep and spends all his time building building building and upgrading upgrading upgrading. That's the only way to keep his mind off of, well you know. So, when a new enemy comes he should be ready right? Well SHOULD doesn't mean IS. Tony suffers from anxiety attacks and relationship problems, and a new one; The Mandrin.
The Mandrin is a terrorist, who manages to blow up buildings, but with no bomb casings or gunpowder. People just get completely vaporized. How does the Mandrin do it? How can he be stopped?
There is also a group of people trying to kill Tony. Normally Tony would be able to fight them off with his Iron army, but this times, there's a problem. Not like his previous movies where they have an Iron man suit, because that gets old. No, this time he fights a bunch of people who are invincible. And can breath fire. And shoot lasers out of their eyes. And turn their hands into temperatures hot as lava or fire, at least hot enough to melt metal. These people threaten not only Stark, but Pepper Pots as well. They end up destroying his mansion, and killing him. Like seriously twice, which is annoying. But, there's this totally awesome, cute kid played by Ty Simpkins. I loved him! He was awesome! I loved the movie, but not all of it was loveable.
Here are some things I disliked about the movie: PURPLE!!!! Tony, is of course the smooth flirty guy, or was before his commited relationship. He of course was the flirty Mr. Stark we all knew in his flashback. He was also very rude then. He and Pepper are also living together, so thats a, well purple. Then, SPOILER when Tony broke into the mandrins place, and Aims facility, what is there other than girls in bikinis or bras or anything that makes them look very slutty. SPOILER OVER. There was also some relationship drama and crap like that between Tony and Pepper, so that was just irritating. I also didn't like how in the end, Tony made a decision, that, lets face it, probably has pissed you off, or if you haven't seen it will. He is Ironman, but it's not the same. You'll know what I'm talking about when you see it. Don't worry. Then, they make the hottest guy in the whole thing turn out to be evil. He isn't like super super Josh Hutchinson hot, but he's the hottest in the movie. That makes me angry. (I am not talking about the Mandrin, he is sssooooo not hot!). That's basically all that I disliked.
Overall, it was a pretty good movie. Me, my brother, my uncle and my cousin all liked it, but my grandparents and parents didn't, so it's exactly half and half for liking and disliking in my family. I think I'm going to have some other people cast a vote, like Jessie, my friends from school, and maybe evil July if I can force her to watch it (EVIL GRIN!!!!!!!!)
I rate it 4 99/100th, because, of course it did have some bad parts, but what'd you expect, it's Hollywood!\
Movie Reveiwer
Raven DeWitt

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